ECO-UNESCO is announced as one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Champions 2019

12 leaders’ organizations chosen to contribute and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Richard Bruton T.D. announced the first Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Champions. ECO-UNESCO was one of the twelve appointed organisations across all aspects of society to drive forward Ireland’s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals at the Ploughing Championships in Fenagh, Co. Carlow.


The chosen champions are organisations who are leading by example in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. They will raise public awareness of the Goals and illustrate practical ways in which organisations and individuals can contribute to achieving the Goals.


The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are an ambitious set of targets, covering the social, economic and environmental requirements for a sustainable future. ECO-UNESCO promote the SDGs through a range of programmes aligning their work to the goals. They encourage and support young people to carry out local environmental action projects, building environmental knowledge and leadership skills.


Climate Action and Sustainability were the key focus for the Government at the National Ploughing Championships this year. Minister Bruton led a discussion on the recently published All of Government Climate Action Plan.